Have been looking at the issue of UCC 1-308 as a potential addition to the 'drivers licence' and other contracts with other government agencies. To that end I found this quirky conversation between a "sovern" punter and a lawyer on one of these paid 'ask a lawyer' business' that you occasionally find on line -or at least I do.
"I attempted to obtain a new drivers license to day in the state.
CUSTOMER: I attempted to obtain a new drivers license to day in the state of hawaii. I informed them that my reason for the new license was address and signature changes. They had no problems with the address change however when I signed my name "Daniel Yarnell Without Prejudice UCC 1-308" They stated they would not allow it as my signature is only my name as it appears on my "license." What is the Legal definition of a Signature according to Hawaii Law?
LAWYER: hi well, if you do not have a legal court order showing your name changed to "Daniel Yarnell Without Prejudice UCC 1-308" from the previous driver's license then the DMV is correct. that is not your legal name and they need your legal signature to reflect your legal name. if you want to sign a legal document with the name of "Daniel Yarnell Without Prejudice UCC 1-308" then you need to seek a Name Change. or, if this is your legal name then present your birth certificate reflecting the same.CUSTOMER: Why would it not be allowed as part of my signature seeing as it is similar to signing a paper "under Duress" which i have had to do for several military documents?
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