This is an exercise at looking at aspects of the Mental Health Act 1986 so we might enjoy a better understanding of an act whose purpose is apparently to reform the Mental Health laws....
Did you know that the definition of the word "Involuntary Patient" as defined for the Victorian Mental Health Act 1986 has had its definition changed in 1991, 1995, 1996, 2003 & 2005?
Why does the meaning of a word change SIX times in 27 years? Are both the Liberal & Labor party incompetent at defining words? Given the fact that someone could be seriously harmed by a wrongful diagnosis, how much faith can we have in the definition of any word that is changed every 4 and 1/2 years?
Further to the last question, we see here that the word "security patient" has been defined SEVEN times in twenty seven years. Another way of looking at this is that two words that convey power to the state over the man, and to limit the freedoms of a man, has been changed THIRTEEN times in twenty seven years, or on average, every thirteen months or so, one of these definitions have changed.
If these people are so incompetent, why are we putting up with it?
Is it because incompetency is one of their smoke screens, designed to hide the truth which is that they do as they want believing that you will deal with the effects of the statutes rather than the causes that give rise to them in the first place?
Isn't it interesting how a body of words can convince men that to be violent against their fellow men?
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